Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Peace Corps

I have been contemplating the Peace Corps for quite some time now. I am in the midst of applying. The process will take more than 8 hours, they suggest. I am more and more thrilled every time that i look at what could be in my near future.
I am attempting to apply for the International Masters program via Appalachian's graduate school. I hope that all this works out. I don't really think that i am ready for any alternatives. I think that being away from my family and my life will be a challenge, but only in the best ways will i learn and appreciate more of what i have in my life. I know that there are other ways to figure out oneself and discover/explore life and other people, but i think that this experience has my name written all over it. I am hoping for the best and hope that i can one day represent the Peace Corps.

Looking back on my life when i am older, i would love to say that this experience changed my life and bettered my concept of the world around me. I want to change the world, but since that is not single-handedly done, i'll settle for the smaller goals that the Peace Corps can offer to me.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Athens at Halloween

I celebrated Halloween in Athens again this year. It was fun to see all of the costumes and crazy people downtown. I think that it would have been better to have seen people in their prime if Halloween had been on a Friday or Saturday like last year. But amazingly, people still came out and had a blast. I saw some pretty funny, crazy, obscure, and unbelievable costumes. I guess i can always count on Athens to be creative and special

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Another Rainy Day

It's raining in Cullowhee. Again. I guess that is what WCU stands for 'Whee Carry Umbrellas'. I was told this my freshman year and I guess that every year I seem to believe it even more and more.

Since my sister's wedding and honeymoon in Costa Rica at the beginning of October, she has my rain jacket. She lives in Athens, so I figure that I will not be getting it right now (when I need it the most). I guess she could send it in the mail, but that is too much to ask. But, in the long run, what am I going to do about this weather and no rain jacket? I walk to campus most days and I feel like an umbrella is not sufficient and it just gets in the way when I get to class. I shall figure out an alternative!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Green Pond, New Jersey

Green Pond is where I am right now. It is currently 42 degrees outside and is not intending to get much warmer. I love the fall up here. The colors are amazing and I get to see my summer haven... in the autumn. I got to spend some time with Rachel and her family, but everyone else seems to be busy with school and life resuming back to regular post summertime. One of my favorite summer girlfriends is leaving to go back to Rowan University on Monday, so I will be able to help out my parents more with closing the house. It'll be hard and cold work, but the ten hour drive up here is going to be well worth it.

To learn more about Green Pond, one could investigate the local real estate at the following website: or if more interested, through Google, there are several websites that support the integrity of my summer community.